Your HVAC system does more than just heat and cool your home; it also impacts the air you breathe. The filters you regularly replace catch dirt, dust, and other particles so they stay out of the air. At Peninsula Heating & Air (PHA), we can take steps to enhance your indoor air quality (IAQ).

Know Your Indoor Air Quality Options
If you want to improve the indoor air quality in your home, know the different air purification options at your disposal. We offer a variety of solutions that target specific issues with your air. Some of our customer favorites include:
- Whole-house humidifiers and dehumidifiers
- Electronic air cleaners
- Media air filters
- UV lights
- Air purification systems
- Dryer vent cleaning
- Whole-house zoning
- Low-level CO detectors
We also inspect ductwork for maximum efficiency and make honest recommendations regarding designs, upgrades, and repairs. You can be sure that all our feedback is one-hundred percent honest and pricing is completely affordable.
Which Indoor Air Quality Products Are Right for You?
Not everyone needs an air humidifier in their home, which is why we’ll set up a consultation to review your home’s air quality and make recommendations to improve it. The consultation will involve a Comfort Consultant visiting your home to get a clearer picture of your problems and find long-term solutions for them.
For example, someone who suffers from dust or pollen allergies could benefit from an electronic air cleaner or upgraded air filters versus a humidifier. With PHA, each customer recommendation is personalized and tested to make sure it’s fully effective. When we say we offer the professional difference, we mean it.
Why Should You Avoid Dirty Air?
Breathing in the occasional dust mite doesn’t seem like a big deal, but particles in the air can take a severe toll on your lungs. Too many of these little enemies can trigger allergic reactions, asthma flare-ups, and so much more.
You should feel comfortable at home and not have to worry about your ability to breathe. Poor air quality can have secondary impacts as well. Too much moisture can create biological growth and make your house smell stale.
If you want to improve your indoor air quality, give PHA a ring. We can make recommendations based on your specific health needs so you can feel safe and secure in your Williamsburg, York County, Gloucester, or Newport News, VA, home.